Saturday, December 18, 2010

7 days till CHRISTmas

Today's advent is 3 Nephi 17:21-24. Jesus Christ blessed little children because He loved them.  Show you love for a brother, sister, or friend by sharing a toy or helping them in some way.  Since I'm not a small child who can share my toys... today I am watching my sisters kids while she finishes up her Christmas shopping.  It's a fun day when you get to play with a 7 year old and a 5 year old.  I've played Hide and Seek and Wii with them.  It really takes me back to being a kid.


Nicole said...

Did you watch all of Kris's kids? What a good sister. To bad you can't watch my kids!

Nicole said...

I echo Nicole. Too bad I can't beam you up here to watch my babies for a little while! I am beyond swamped! :) Thanks for the reminder. Little children are truly God's gift to this world.