Sunday, April 26, 2009


So those of you who have had the privilege of seeing Wicked for yourselves will understand when I say OMIGOSH!!! For those of you who haven't seen it, just go... find a theater that is not sold out (Salt Lake is not the place to look), buy tickets, no matter the cost, and see it! I cannot even begin to imagine how to tell you how amazing it was! I have waited 177 days with tickets and something like 1500 days before that and I'm not going to say the wait was worth it because I'm sure I would have felt the same way 1500 days ago, but it was definitely worth the wait! I've also heard a lot of people say that traveling shows aren't as good because they don't have the "stars" but let me just tell you it really doesn't matter if it's Kristen Chenowith and Idina Menzel (since they aren't playing it anywhere), or whoever was in it tonight! It was fantastic! The cast did an amazing job! Just being there was very much worth it! Now I need something new to look forward to... any ideas?

P.S. TC as you can see from the above photo, I was very much alive!! Sorry pal! Maybe next time!


Tonight is the night! I've waited 177 days for today! Wicked awaits me! I'll post more when my wait is nothing but a memory...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pedicure Time Again

Mom and I made an appointment to get pedicures yesterday and finally talked Dad into getting one with us. Not so bad until he decided to get his toenails painted. I'm totally okay with guys getting pedicures. I'd recommend it to everyone, but my dad's brown toes are a bit of a stretch for me. Mom says it covers up all the fungus on his toes, but I still think that mens toes should be toe colored... oh well. At least he enjoyed his few minutes of pampering. He's sold on the idea. I think he'll be going with us more often now. Maybe I can get Mom to post pics on her blog and then you all can vote.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I just thought I'd take a minute and do an update. It's been a while since I just blogged for the fun of blogging even though I don't have a specific topic. Easter dawned clear and beautiful and my mood for Easter matched the day. Holidays are sometimes a bit difficult for me, because even though I get together with my unbelievably amazing family, sometimes I feel like the odd (wo)man out considering I'm the only one without a family and husband. Easter was no different. Although I absolutely love my role as Aunt Julie, every one's favorite aunt, it's not the same as being some one's mom. As we spent a few minutes taking "family pictures" of all the kids and parents in their Easter finest, I chose to have my picture taken with as many of the kids who were ready at the time. I think we have enough of "my family" pictures: ie. me alone! Following picture taking, I had arranged a special family surprise. One of our good family friends, the Ball family, who Mom tended for when the kids were small, came to visit and see the growing Gardiner family. It was fun to see "little" Brittany. Mom stopped tending when Brittany was 2, and now she's just shy of 14. We have seen the Ball family since not being their daycare provider, but it's been several years and they haven't met about half of my nieces and nephews. It was a fun visit. We gathered for a pot luck dinner that was amazing and then while Todd had the little kids occupied on the trampoline we played a quick family game. Later after dessert, everyone packed up their tired little families and I stayed to play Phase 10 with Malerie, Kaity, Carolee, and Mom. That's one of my favorite activities. If I could spend a day any way I would play games and listen to Showtunes. :)

This week has been tiring for me. I'm not sure what the difference is but I've had little motivation to do anything productive, so I got a book at the library and "wasted" a lot of time just reading. Now for those of you who like sappy Mormon romance novels with a good message, allow me to recommend this book. It's a feel good book that makes you realize that dreams can come true and in the end the good guy wins. I know it's not very realistic, but that's why I read. Reality is too vivid. I want to read Happily Ever Afters. Anyway the book is called A Modest Proposal, by Michele Ashman Bell.

All in all, everything continues to be good. I'm still plugging away and enjoying my life the way it goes. Happy Blogging!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

General Conference Recap

So as promised I thought I'd write for a minute and tell you my favorite conference moments. I must confess that it's a good thing that conference is OnDemand and on the internet and soon will be in my mailbox, because Saturday, although I got off work for both sessions, I was extra tired and missed a lot. Sunday however dawned bright and clear and I was alert and awake. President Uchtdorf's message when it comes out in the Ensign will be entitled, "Julianne, are you listening... this one's for you" I was very strongly directed by the Spirit during President Uchtdorf's message and it affirmed my testimony in living prophets and that thing about how when God wants to talk to us we read the scriptures (current and ancient). This talk was a modern day scripture moment for me and WOW my eyes were opened. The Sunday morning session continued with Sister Thompson's talk entitled "Julianne pay attention" and Elder Holland's talk "Jesus Christ lives and loves Julianne" I was inspired by Elder Andersen's testimony of the Savior, his personal Savior, and his testimony of the reality of Jesus Christ and I know Satan stands angry today. As always the church rolls on in it's glory, might, majesty, power, and dominion, with a very "smart" Head. Don't you love omniscience? I sure do. I'm happy to sustain Elder Andersen to the quorum of 12 Apostles and I know he'll be as much of an asset to that quorum as the other 97 men preceding him. God be thanked for his living prophets. How grateful I am that we do not walk alone!

Friday, April 3, 2009

General Conference

Today I am excited for General Conference. There are few things in my boring life that excite me, but I have finished the Ensign from November's Conference and I'm ready for more talks by our fabulous apostles and prophets! Also I'm pretty excited to see who they call to replace Elder Wirthlin. It's a good thing they let us have conference every 6 months. I think it helps to keep me righteous! Anyway I'll post later and highlight favorites!