Monday, November 22, 2010

I'm Thankful for...

Today I am thankful for Skype.  When I found out that Todd and Nicole were moving I went out and bought myself a web cam and then found out from my cousin Lynae about Skype.  Since then, I have had the opportunity (not as often as I'd like) to be allowed into their homes and share a bit of their days.  Tonight I "skyped" with Lynae and Tyler and my Aunt Cheryl in Alabama.  Before they moved to Alabama, Lynae and Tyler and I would get together and have FHE on a few Mondays.  Tonight through the web cam, we had the opportunity again and I'm so thankful that we have the technology that lets us see each other and share in each other's lives even for just a few minutes.  It's definitely cheaper than a plane ticket!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

That is really cool. I am glad you are close to your cousin Lynae. I wish I knew her better.