Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm Thankful for...

Today I am thankful for old friends.  Today I was about to go into a Presidency Meeting at the church, when I looked up the hall and saw a face that didn't belong in that environment.  It was the face of my mission trainer, Naomi.  I called out her name and she turned around and we had a great short talk in the hall and I met her new (4 month old) baby Mason, and it was so stinking awesome to see her.  Her in-laws live in my stake, and meet in the ward just after mine.  When I got home, I logged onto facebook and had a post on my wall from my friend Chantal who lives in Missouri, just saying that she missed me and had been thinking about me.  That got me thinking about how few really good friends I have that live here in Utah and how far away we all are from each other.  It's so nice that we have the ability to keep in touch faster than snail mail these days, and therefore having friends far away is easy!  I'm so thankful that the Lord has allowed these people to be in my life and I 'm so thankful that today has been so full of renewing past relationships!!

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