Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Boring Life

I know I changed my blog title and so therefore I shouldn't have posts like this, but here we are. I feel a need to post, but don't have much excitement going on right now. Yesterday I spent a half day at work, then went to Andrew's birthday party and then to a wedding of a girl that my mom used to tend. Let me tell you how old I feel when I see the video of this 22 year old girl's wedding and when it flashes back to the 2 year old, I think "hey that's the Jessica I remember." Besides the few moments of excitement yesterday, this week has been fairly uneventful. I worked some and slept a lot and was so tired today I laid down for a half hour (I even set the alarm) and woke up 3 1/2 hours later. I felt bad for about 30 seconds and then told myself it was okay and I needed to feel like the sleep was what I needed so don't feel bad about "wasting" a Sunday afternoon. Then I read a book and then went to work to count inventory and somewhere in the middle of it I realized I hadn't eaten today... at all. Not even a morsel. I'm not even that hungry. Weird! Well, I guess that's enough random rambling for one Sunday. Maybe this next week will bring some excitement!!

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