Sunday, July 11, 2010

Righteous Living

Today I am struggling... I just read a quote by President Harold B. Lee that says, "The most important commandment is the one you are having the greatest difficulty living." I've been struggling lately with my entertainment choices, specifically movies and TV. Without trying to shove my opinions on others or sound completely self righteous, I feel like it's time to give up some of my favorite things and yet there is this part of me that isn't quite strong enough. I don't feel like the entertainment I choose is even "that bad" but the fact that I even have to write that should probably be the first clue that it's not "that good". I am working so hard on my personal spiritual life and this is like the last thing I just can't decide to let go of. I really like The Office. My struggle is in the fact that I know it's a giant waste of time, that doesn't really promote my getting closer to my Heavenly Father, but I can't seem to stop. Probably owning all the seasons isn't helping my conundrum, but like I said, I don't know if I'm strong enough to stop. One of my friends decided she wasn't going to watch PG13 movies anymore and I so admire her, but I don't know if I can give up some of my favorite movies. The logical me acknowledges that it's a colossal waste of time and I'd be a better person if I followed her in this pursuit, but I don't know if I can do it. In this respect, I'm really riding the fence. I want my Celestial mansion while keeping my Babylonian Summer Home and it doesn't work that way. God grant me strength to stop justifying and commit to choosing more righteous entertainment.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

ugg. I know exactly how you feel except I think my choices might be a little worse than The Office. I think about my media choices frequently but it's so hard to stop. My favorites are Glee, the Bachelor, Grey's Anatomy (i know terrible).