Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Life Unexpected

The other day I was reading the book Spare Change and came across this quote by E.M. Forster. I decided this was a main theme in my life and it seemed appropriate as the title of the blog. Hope you all agree!


Unknown said...

Hey there! I love the new title of your blog! I think it's perfect for your life. I also love that quote from Spare Change. It was really good to see you on Saturday. We need to get together again soon. Keep this title as your blog title forever. I love it!!!

Lynae said...

I LOVE IT! It is 100% perfect for you!

Hay and J said...

I love that book! Crazy we are moving to blackfoot idaho! JC got a job offer in blackfoot to work in the ICU and thats what hew needs to go back to school. Did you guys get robbed the other night? I hope not! I need to come see you! My sister is throwing me a shower before we leave Aug. 11th at like 7pm I'll bring you an invite.

Nicole said...

Awesome. I completely agree! I discover every day just how unexpected life is!