Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Last Straw

Have you ever had one of "those" days? Today was one of those. We were kind of swamped at work, and I was trying so hard to keep my cool as car after car came through drive thru. People kept changing their orders at the window and I was getting increasingly frustrated while trying to get people what they really wanted. I scurried around trying to make shakes and bag food and re ring the order for the inevitable senior who is too senile to remember to tell me they get a senior discount at the menu board. I walked over to stock straws in the drive thru station, and as I reached for the open bag of straws I noticed the bag had one straw left in it. In utter frustration I turned to my coworkers and complained that whoever stocked straws last couldn't have possibly fit one more straw into the holder. Cody, one of my counter guys, with a completely straight face said to me, "Julianne, that is just the last straw!" All the frustration melted away in an instant and I burst out laughing. Thanks Cody for helping me remember how far a little laughter can go!


Nicole said...

Ugh, yes I definitely have one of "those" days more often than I'd like! Perhaps I'll start carrying around a straw with me to remember your great object lesson! :)

Kayla and Greg said...

Hahahaha!! Oh I love that kid! I miss you guys down at the good old AC! :) I miss your face!!