Wednesday, April 8, 2009

General Conference Recap

So as promised I thought I'd write for a minute and tell you my favorite conference moments. I must confess that it's a good thing that conference is OnDemand and on the internet and soon will be in my mailbox, because Saturday, although I got off work for both sessions, I was extra tired and missed a lot. Sunday however dawned bright and clear and I was alert and awake. President Uchtdorf's message when it comes out in the Ensign will be entitled, "Julianne, are you listening... this one's for you" I was very strongly directed by the Spirit during President Uchtdorf's message and it affirmed my testimony in living prophets and that thing about how when God wants to talk to us we read the scriptures (current and ancient). This talk was a modern day scripture moment for me and WOW my eyes were opened. The Sunday morning session continued with Sister Thompson's talk entitled "Julianne pay attention" and Elder Holland's talk "Jesus Christ lives and loves Julianne" I was inspired by Elder Andersen's testimony of the Savior, his personal Savior, and his testimony of the reality of Jesus Christ and I know Satan stands angry today. As always the church rolls on in it's glory, might, majesty, power, and dominion, with a very "smart" Head. Don't you love omniscience? I sure do. I'm happy to sustain Elder Andersen to the quorum of 12 Apostles and I know he'll be as much of an asset to that quorum as the other 97 men preceding him. God be thanked for his living prophets. How grateful I am that we do not walk alone!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I think you just picked out my very favorite conference talks. The double whammy from Elder Holland followed by the prophet just about finished me off. It was a wonderful weekend!