Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So I've been on my computer for 15 minutes looking at blogs and nobody is updating!!! Okay not nobody. Bre, Nicole and Todd, Kayla: you all do a great job. Mom, Kris, HELLO!!! Get on the ball. Then I thought, hmmm, I haven't blogged in a week and that was stuff about a month ago. So I thought I should get on the ball too. Today is my mama's birthday. She's something like 39. I can't remember exactly... okay so mostly I just didn't want to get in trouble. We usually have a giant party that starts on October 6 and goes through November 8 and that covers about 60% of the birthdays in our family. We didn't do that this year. I guess we all got too busy for tradition. I don't know. Sometimes I really feel like my life is passing me by. I mean all my life I've thrived on tradition (you know the song from Fiddler on the Roof) and I find as I get older the traditions I used to hold so near and dear are nothing but wispy memories. Sometimes I wonder if they really happened or if I 'm remembering my life wrong. I got home from my mission and all of the holiday traditions had slipped through my fingers. Last night I went with Tierny to see Mamma Mia for the second time. There's a song that the mom sings called Slipping through my Fingers. It talks about how quickly her daughter grew up and how she feels like she missed some of the best moments because she wasn't on the ball. I don't want my life to be like that. I need to start my personal history so the memories I have aren't completely lost to faulty memory. Well enough melancholy for one night. Bedtime!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You need to add a friends list that tells when people have updated that way you don't have to check everybody's if nobody has updated. And I agree I love traditions and your family really doesn't have any as a whole. I did miss the October birthday party this year though.