Saturday, June 26, 2010

Camp Post 4: The Skit

As you can imagine with a theme like STAR WARS the skit possibilities are endless. Holly wrote an awesome beginning that we put on a scroll like at the beginning of Star Wars movies. It started with the Star Wars logo then below that it says Episode 2010 THE LAST DAYS:

As the battle continues between good and evil, the enemy has improved his strategy to lure warriors to the dark side in a final attempt to weaken the forces of good and destroy the light forever. But the knights of Truth and Righteousness have reserved some of their most valiant warriors for these last days and now send them forth with their swords of the Spirit to uncover the evil plot and overcome the darkness.

We had Lucy Starwarrior, Obewise Canibe, Master No Duh, Princess Hope, a few wookies and a storm trooper! The girls wanted to do some puns using Star Wars characters, so Lucy found herself at the "Darth mall" fighting against evil. There were some seriously funny moments, like when someone was trying to get Lucy go with them to "Pizza the Hut" and Lucy responds with "No, I brought a ham sandwich and I'm going to eat my Ham Solo..." It was fun for the girls to write and fun for the stake to watch and at the end of the week, we got the award for the skit! It was a lot of fun.

While I'm on the subject, let me just tell you about our ward cheers. Most mornings and evenings at devotionals each ward had to do a cheer. We started most cheers with the girls doing a wookie call as we ran to the front. The first day the cheer was "May the Spirit be with you" with the girls flashing their light sabers as they said it. The next day we did "Stand for Truth and Righteousness, DO or DO NOT there is no try." The third day we went silently and straight faced to the front of the room and then just made random droid sounds. That one was funny! The people that were sitting in the back are probably still trying to figure out why we didn't have a cheer! The last day we walked down singing the Darth Vader theme, then Holly interrupted us with "NO not Darth Vader"... then we all shouted "We are Dark Evaders!!" I thought the girls were quite imaginative coming up with cheers! It was a lot of fun to represent Star Wars!

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