Sunday, October 11, 2009

A Renewing Strength

Today I struggled with going to church. I was up late last night, opened my fast at 1:00 am and woke up this morning so hungry and feeling a headache coming on. I told myself to have faith instead of breakfast, but gave up at 11:30 and ate. I'm not hugely sorry based on the fact that I didn't get that headache I thought was coming but I wish I had the strength of spirit over body. I need to prepare better and skipping dinner Saturday night is not preparation. Anyway after a morning of ideas to plan for Girls Night Out (more on that later), I hurriedly got dressed and went to church. I sat down and looked around at the people I love so much and noticed the opening and Sacrament hymns were two of my favorites. Then a woman in my ward greeted me and told me that I was so strong for coming to church all alone and that I was an example to people around me. I jokingly said, "what else would I do on a Sunday?" Then I said, "I need this!" It wasn't until I was singing, "I believe in Christ, so come what may, with Him I'll stand at that great day..." that the truth of my words came rushing back to me. I didn't go to church for socializing or because I have nothing better to do (come on I work 60 hours a week, with Sunday as my only day off... I can think of plenty of things to do). I need this. I need the renewal that comes from being in church. I need to bear testimony through song that "No creature is so lowly, no sinner no depraved, but feels his presence holy and through his love is saved." I'm so lowly and so depraved but the Atonement even covers me... I need this.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I have to say you are strong. We didn't make it to church today. Todd started his fast after you left last night and we both woke up this morning congested. AJ had a cough already so we didn't know if he could go to nursery. I felt horrible not going! Oh and what are you going to say later about girls night out, is it getting to stressful for you?