Saturday, October 3, 2009

LDS General Conference

Today I arranged to work later so I could watch Conference. I did that in April too and ended up sleeping most of the day, so today I made sure I had the makings of a stay awake session. I went to bed at a decent time, woke up long before conference started and kept my crocheting close by to keep my hands occupied. It worked so far and what a great session! I was excited to hear President Monson announce five more new temples and though none of the announcements affect me directly, I was pleased to hear that temple building will continue, and that more members will have the blessing of a temple closer to them. The Brigham City one surprised and pleased me. It will be fun to have a temple on both ends of Sardine canyon. The talks given were inspired and inspiring and reminded me how lucky we are to have living apostles and prophets who by the spirit of the Holy Ghost let us know the will of the Lord here in our day and time. How blessed we are to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to have the words of our Prophet so readily available to us even when sitting in our living rooms in pajamas! Can't wait for the next 3 sessions!!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Ah, lucky lady. I think I got to watch bits and pieces of a few talks of each session. The kids were crazy this time! Thank goodness for DVR and the November issue of the Ensign!