Sunday, March 8, 2009

Master the Tempest is Raging

Today I walked into church and got excited to see that the opening song for Sacrament Meeting was Master the Tempest is Raging. This is a hymn that I feel is not sung near often enough, yet so very often portrays my feelings. This week has been a little bit weird. I am doing the normal mundane things as always (work) and yet I feel a little bit like my life is spiraling out of control. It's not even my life that is the problem. It's the lives of those I love most. Todd and Nicole have spent the week with Rory in the hospital fighting RSV, and all we can do is pray for them. Kristina is dealing with a diagnosis of cancer, which most likely can be cured, but again all we can do is pray. I sat in Sacrament meeting today singing the words "Master with anguish of Spirit I bow in my grief today. The depths of my sad heart are troubled, Oh waken and save I pray. Torrents of sin and of anguish sweep o'er my sinking soul, and I perish, I perish dear Master, Oh hasten and take control." The first speaker got up and introduced her topic as Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and I thought to myself, "this is why I'm at church today." I need an increase in my faith. The final verse of the song is "Master the terror is over, the elements sweetly rest. The sun in the calm lake is mirrored and Heaven's within my breast. Linger oh blessed Redeemer, leave me alone no more, and with joy I shall make the blest harbor and rest on the blissful shore." I realized today that what I really need to do is continue to pray and let the Master bring peace.


Chantalita said...

Oh Julianne, I hope that things get better for those you love.

Nicole said...

What a great post, and a great reminder about how we can get through all the tempests of life. I've been feeling very similarly lately, with all the economic problems and gloom and doom on the news. What a blessing to know we can take refuge in Christ and the problems of this life don't have to affect us eternally. Our prayers go out to little Rory and Kristina--God bless them!

Cowmania said...

thanks julianne I needed that