So I had a pretty interesting (boring) day Sunday. I spent it on the couch sick. I was reading a book trying to pretend that I didn't feel yucky when I received a text message from my roomie Jesika that said I got in a wreck, I hit my head, I'm ok. I thought to myself what the heck? So I texted Jesika back and asked her what happened, where she was, etc. and all I got back was I'll tell you later. So here I am sitting alone in my apartment with images of a bloody Jesika lying on the road somewhere between Idaho and Utah. On Monday I got a text that said I have a concussion and maybe a broken foot. I text back what happened exactly, and Jesika writes back it's a long story I'll tell you when I come home. I asked her when that might be and she said she had an appointment with a foot specialist so in a few days. Later while I was at work, Jesika comes hobbling in asking if she can borrow my apartment key because she left hers in Idaho. I tell her that I want the story since she's here and she gave me the 3 minute version. So here's the story. (in Jesika's own words)
A few miles from home (Malad) Jesika is on I 15 when all of a sudden her car begins to decelerate quickly. She pulls over at which point the car fills with smoke (actually steam) and Jesika thinking that the car is going to explode at any second, jumps out and begins running back the way she came. Then she noticed the car was following her, rolling backwards down the hill, and it occurs to Jesika that she didn't put the car in park. Frantically Jesika runs back to the car and attempts to get in to stop the rolling, but the car was going faster than Jesika so she got caught trying to get in, missed the door, and hit her head on the pavement. At this point, the car drove over her legs. Now she's in the road only kind of there mentally trying to figure out what just happened. Let me tell you what happened. Jesika the only "true talent" in our apartment got hit by her own car... Yes hit by her own car. Needless to say today she is bruised and limping but due to the fact that she is an avid milk drinker the foot is only sprained, not broken; she has almost no residual effects of the concussion, and aside from the bruising down her legs onto her foot, on her arm, and on her behind she is feeling much better than on Sunday. My favorite moment was on Monday night when I texted her and asked how she was feeling and the text I got back said, Like I got hit by a car... hahaha I'm so funny. Talented roommates make my "boring life" not so boring!