Monday, January 19, 2009

Pen Pals

Remember when you were in second grade and you got to write a pen pal letter to some random kid in your sister school in Maryland? Lately I feel like I've been re invited to write pen pal letters only this time it's through blogging so it's a lot quicker response time. Between face book and blog spot I've had an opportunity to catch up with a lot of really old friends, and many of them have married and started families and I get to see them grow old. I just recently caught up with a guy I knew in high school on face book and his wife keeps an amazing blog. I don't even know the girl, we've never met, but maybe she'll allow me to be her pen pal through blogging. I don't know what it is about people that are in a station in life that either you are in or want to be in, but I sure appreciate the opportunity to share lives with so many people online.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Julianne, thanks for the sweet comment! I feel the same way. I've gotten to know some of my friends (and even family) so much better through blogging! I'm glad you've enjoyed getting to know our family. I have to agree, I think our little ones are the most amazing little souls on the planet. We're so blessed. I've been reading back over your blog too, and I think we would have been friends if I'd have gone to Jordan High with you and Marc. I especially liked your post about gratitude, and it made me smile because Marc and I were talking in Sacrament Meeting on that same Sunday, about the same subject! Cosmic coincidence. Anyhow, I'm so glad you hooked back up with Marc, and I'd love to be your blogging pen pal!