Friday, April 29, 2011


Okay so I admit that at times I am pathetic and tonight is no different.  I just watched Steve Carell's final episode of The Office and realized what a fan I am.  I found myself crying as he said his final goodbyes to everyone.  Over and over I've told myself I should stop watching the show, but I haven't been able to stop.  I'm super addicted to it and I'm really going to miss him.  Maybe the change will be what gets me to stop watching the show, but for tonight I'm just going to sit here and miss Michael Scott for a minute more.  I know... pathetic!!


Nicole said...

Awww, bummer. I've never gotten into The Office, but I hear that it's hilarious. I hope you enjoyed the final episode.

Hay and J said...

Must confess I'm also a little attached!! If it makes u feel better I also cryed How silly!