Wednesday, August 31, 2011

T minus 10 days and counting

We are now 10 days from The Walk.  I've been preparing my mind and my body and I've got to be honest, I'm still scared to bits!!  Last Saturday we walked just short of 13 miles and I could barely move for 3 days.  I'm so afraid of not making it.  I'm afraid I'll walk too slow and they'll force me to go into the support vehicle to catch up!  I won't do it, I won't go!!  I want to walk from the Draper Temple to the Salt Lake Temple and I don't want help!!!  I'm being stubborn.  I know I am, but this is something I've been working toward all year.  A friend of mine offered to use her fast Sunday in my honor, well actually in honor of all of us walking, and I told her I'd join her.  If anyone is looking for a reason for their fast on Sunday and there is nothing else you can think of, I'll take your prayers... all of them!!  This sounds selfish as I write it, but I know that this is a good thing, and I have such a testimony of it that I want to make sure it's a great experience for everyone involved and I have a testimony that Heavenly Father will carry me when I can't do it myself.  I'll do everything I can to be prepared and ready and rely on Him for the rest.  Good metaphor for life huh??

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You can do it, luv! You'll be in my fast and prayers too. Can't wait to hear how it goes.