On Tuesday, Lynae had to go to work for a little while in the morning and then she and Tyler had an appointment for life insurance. Hannah and I got Camden up and ready and waited for Lynae to come and pick us up. We were going to go with them to the life insurance place so that we could go to lunch before Tyler had to go back to work. Lynae ended up being late from work so Camden and I entertained ourselves with little kid youtube videos. Camden really likes this one version of Old McDonald Had A Farm, and while it was annoyingly 2 year old, it was pretty cute. When he (I) got bored with that I went to the Boowa and Kwala website and played silly songs from that and he really seemed to like that. When Lynae got there, we left to go get Tyler and Camden and I waited in the car while they went in to the life insurance place. Due to some technical difficulties, it ended up taking much longer than either of them thought it would, and there is only so much you can do to entertain an eighteen month old in the car, so I pulled out the camera. Here is the result of two people trying their best to be entertained:

Camden took this picture of himself.
When Lynae and Tyler came out, we headed off to Singletons BBQ. I figured that as long as I was in the South I'd better fit in as much barbecue as I could.

At Singleton's you order your meat and sides and then they have different sauces on your table and you go wild. I had pork and chicken and Tyler recommended his favorite sauce and it was delightful!! Seriously, aside from the company; the best thing about Alabama was the food!! After Singleton's we went home to put Camden down for a nap and Tyler headed back to work. Camden doesn't sleep if it's at all noisy, so Lynae and I were really careful to be quiet. We grabbed the computer and watched the latest episode of The Bachelorette. Hannah came home and Camden woke up after only sleeping for about an hour. It was kind of evident to us that he wasn't done sleeping, but he wouldn't go back to sleep. Lynae said she'd pack up the house for our next round of adventures if Hannah would take me to get the car from Tyler on her way to work. I memorized the route so I could find the house again, and successfully drove back. We had decided that day to go to the visiting center and the 5 star Marriott Hotel where Hannah works and to see the fountains. The point of the visiting center was to see if I could find a souvenir. I found some free maps and a pen that writes better than any pen I've ever written with. I love free souvenirs!!

After the visiting center, we took Camden out to the playground and to the fountains. It's a lot like the fountains at the Gateway mall in Salt Lake, but much bigger. I am a total failure, and left my camera in the car, so there is no picture evidence, but it was funny! We hadn't put him in his swimsuit, and so it was like a joke trying to keep him from getting in too far. We only had one moment when he went running and I had to go running after him, and so resulted in a little soakage, but not too bad. We laughed about it, and headed back to the playground! After we left the hotel, Lynae wanted to stop by one of her visiting teaching ladies that lived near there, so we turned on Kiki von Garmin (the GPS system) to find her house. After a quick stop we decided to head into town and visit Cupcakes and Co. We'd seen it a few days before, but it had been closed for the holiday. The lady at the visiting center told us they had happy hour from 4 till 5 every day and so the cupcakes were buy one get one free. It smelled amazing when we walked in. They had 6 different kinds and we decided that for 2 for 1 we'd try all 6. There was strawberry, M&M, red velvet, white, triple chocolate, and my personal favorite, Mississippi Mud. We grabbed some forks and some water, and went at it. We each took a few bites of all of them, and then took the leftovers to Tyler. The only one we didn't really like was the Red Velvet. It was really dry. And like I said before the favorite (for me anyway) was the Mississippi Mud. It was more like a brownie than a cupcake and had lots of chocolate and marshmallows and YUM!!!

Camden and I trying the Strawberry one ( I think this was Tyler's favorite)
Our "Six" cupcakes The strawberry one was already on our plate!
The spoils.
For the record, Camden's favorite part was just the mini M&M's from the top of the M&M one.
After Cupcakes and Co. we went to get Tyler from work so we could go to dinner. Like I said before, the food was one of the best things about this trip and our choice for Tuesday night did not disappoint. We ended up at the local Mexican place, Rosie's Cantina. Jocelyn told me that we needed to go there and since the Cinnamon ice cream with chocolate chips experience, I don't doubt what Jocelyn tells me. It was DELICIOUS!!! I ordered Pollo Fiesta! I think Lynae was jealous! It was so good!!
After dinner, we had about an hour to kill before Lynae and Tyler's softball game so we drove around and saw some fun sites. There is this park right near the river. I took some pretty cool pictures. Apparently it used to be a golf course, but anytime the river ran high, it got flooded so they just turned it into a park.
I really liked these cliffs reflecting in the water... it was a really cool view.
They had all these teepees set up. Tyler took Camden on Saturday while Lynae and I were at the temple. Pretty cool!
There was something about the bridge and the cliffs and the water. So pretty!
We also drove to The Rosenbaum house. It was designed by famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright. I thought it was a little weird.
We headed to the ball park where it was evident that Camden was overly tired. It was hot and humid and he was so cranky. He was super sweaty, so Lynae gave him a new spiky hair do. It was pretty funny.
Anytime Lynae and Tyler went to field or bat he'd throw a fit. It was hard to take care of him when all he wanted was mama. If I had it to do all over again, I'd encourage them to take Camden and I home and I would have put him to bed while they played.
However, if I had done that I wouldn't have gotten these cool sunset pictures.
After a win, and a complete melt down from Camden, we headed home to put him to bed. As soon as he was settled and Tyler was talked into staying with him (not that that took much), Lynae and I headed back to Ice Cream Corner. It was actually closed when we got there, but they stayed open to take a few more orders. Lynae was in the mood for something refreshing, so ended up mixing orange pineapple ice cream with orange sherbet in a waffle bowl, and I got Coconut cream pie in a waffle bowl. It was so amazing. Cheryl called while we were out, and was very jealous of us. We told her we'd be sure to have a few bites for her.
This is their mailbox. It made me giggle!
After our ice cream binge, we headed home. We sat in the car in the garage for a while and talked about some stuff. Besides the food, the other thing I miss is just being able to talk to Lynae about anything. I know I could call her, and chat, but it's just not the same. While we were talking in the garage Tyler came out and told us he was tired, and ready for bed, but we wanted to play a game. Hannah came home and we played 5 phases of Phase 10, which I think Tyler won. Surprise, surprise!! It was a long day, but very fun and we went to bed exhausted and sad that there was only one more day.