Sunday, March 22, 2009

Temple Dedication

Today was a rough day for me. Every few weeks I imagine what my life would be like if I either had one more day off a week or if I didn't have 3 + hours of meetings on Sundays. Today was one of the days when I wondered why I got out of bed and really thought about whether or not I really wanted to go to church. Now before you all think I'm some kind of apostate, I really do enjoy church and I love going, but sometimes it's really hard to get up (and I have church at 1). Also today was the Draper Utah Temple Dedication and I failed to get my recommend because I forgot to go pick it up on the days that the Bishopric was doing interviews. Yesterday I actually told my dad that I probably wouldn't go because I didn't have a ticket and it was just another temple dedication. Aren't we lucky that Heavenly Father loves us unconditionally? Sometimes I think He just looks down here and rolls His eyes in my direction. Of course it's not just another temple dedication! What was I thinking? How blessed we are that here in Utah we have 13 operating temples with one more in construction! How blessed we are that Heavenly Father gives us the blessing of attending His House! Well for all of you who are wondering, I dressed my weary body, put my hair in pigtails (my hairstyle of choice this week) and went to church where it was announced in Sacrament Meeting that the Bishopric would be giving out recommends after Sacrament Meeting to anyone who had failed to get it. I gave the Relief Society roll to the first counselor and went to join the slacker line outside the Bishop's office. I'm eternally grateful I did. My stake participated in the 12th and final session of temple dedicatory services and I wish I had an amazing memory to remember the things taught in the temple today. I was blessed in ways I don't deserve as I participated in just another temple dedication and my heart is full with gratitude for this blessing.


Chantalita said...

Oh, it is a blessing that you certainly do deserve. You have such a loving heart and the ability to appreciate (which is a sign of humility). I am glad you were able to enjoy it!!

Nicole said...

I'm so glad you got to go! Heavenly Father truly does love us. I know exactly how you feel--so many nights I drag my weary bones to bed for a few hours of sleep before Ella wakes up, wanting to read my scriptures and say nice long prayers, and simply not having the physical energy. Yet Heavenly Father blesses us so richly! It makes me feel so guilty sometimes. And so grateful. You're a wonderful person who deserves those blessings. And you certainly pay them forward! :)