Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Long Walk Down Memory Lane

A couple of weeks ago I was in Mom and Dad's ward for Jaydon's blessing. While there, in Relief Society, they announced the upcoming Birthday Party Enrichment activity and Billie Sue Coffin told me I should come so we could get together in a social setting instead of at church. I agreed and drove down. Tonight was so much fun! I got to see a whole bunch of people that watched me grow up and a few that I grew up with. It's always so fun to go home. I just want the women in the Mt. Jordan 2nd Ward to know that they are my idols, my heroes, and exactly what I want to be when I grow up. Thank you all for the love and support you continually show! Nowhere is there a better ward in the church! (Sorry Bountiful 12th warders... you're close, but not quite there)


Nicole said...

There's always something special about the home ward. I just gave a fireside talk in my home stake, and it still felt like coming home! Good for you, I'm glad you did it and had a great time. (p.s. I love your new background! :)

Unknown said...

Hey there! That's awesome that you had an awesome ward growing up in. My ward that I grew up in was a living hell for me. I've been to your ward a few times with you and I really enjoyed it. I love your new blog background! What are your plans for the weekend?