Sunday, October 25, 2009

Santa Maybe

Today I devoured my friend Aubrey's new book Santa Maybe. I preordered it on weeks ago and it sat at the office of my apartment complex for a few days and then they left it on my doorstep this morning! I went to church anxiously anticipating coming home. I read it in a couple of hours and then it took me a few more to remember that I was not the main character. I don't know about you guys but I really like a book that makes me have to remember who I am. I love getting lost in fiction! Aubrey told me it's pretty hard to find this book right now, but if you can find it run out and buy it... but beware; you can't put it down and you may be wishing you were the main character in a fiction novel! Happy Reading!!


Nicole said...

How about you loan a poor Sister-in-law this book!

Nicole said...

Wow, you are friends with a published author! How exciting. I'm always on the lookout for recommended books. Thanks!!

Celeste said...

I love a good book. Whenever I can get an extra minute while my kids are preoccupied. :) I like how you said you need to remind yourself that you're not he main character. I'm guilty of that too. hehe I've just never really put it into those words.