Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ahhh Pedicures

So a little over a year ago Mom and I decided to pamper ourselves with pedicures. We decided that once a month we'd go get pedicures, go out to dinner and spend some quality time together. About 3 months ago we decided that it was no longer a pampering luxury but a "we spend too much time on our feet" necessity. So now about once a month, sometimes longer, we go and sit in a massaging chair and let someone else cut our toenails for us. Then they massage up to the knee, file off all the dead stuff, and pamper us with sweet smells. It's a definite high point in my "boring life". I appreciate that we have this thing that is just us, but if anyone wants to get involved we'd be happy to have you come with us. Just $25 and you will feel like you have never felt before!!

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